“Those lanky stakes, which made you afraid…” Searching for an elusive weapons system: congreve rockets in the pavón battlefield, 1861


  • Juan B. Leoni CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) - Departamento de Arqueología, Escuela de Antropología, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
  • Diana S. Tamburini CEAAC (Centro de Estudios de Arqueología y Antropología del Conflicto). Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario.




battlefield archaeology, Congreve rockets, battle of Pavón, Buenos Aires, Confederation


The rockets designed by Sir William Congreve at the beginning of the XIXth century were used in several military campaigns in our country throughout that century. Notwithstanding, their visibility, both in the contemporary written documents and in the archaeological record, is very low. The ongoing archaeological investigations at the Pavón battlefield have contributed to change this situation, by finding four pieces that belonged to “à la Congrève” rockets. They are devices that were screwed onto the base of the rocket´s body in order to insert the long wooden tail that stabilized the projectile during its flight. These rockets were employed by the armies of the Argentine Confederation and of Buenos Aires Province in that battle, which took place on September 17, 1861, on lands nearby the current town of Rueda (Constitución Department, Santa Fe Province). In this work we present these artifacts, discussing their general characteristics, the conditions in which they were found, and the interpretive implications of their presence in the battlefield, as well as the available documentary evidence of their use in this military campaign.


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How to Cite

Leoni, J. B., & Tamburini, D. S. (2023). “Those lanky stakes, which made you afraid…” Searching for an elusive weapons system: congreve rockets in the pavón battlefield, 1861. Anuario De Arqueología, 15(15), 131–145. https://doi.org/10.35305/aa.v15i15.119




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