ISSN: 2684-0138 (en línea)
ISSN:1852-8554 (impreso)
Editorial guidelines
The manuscripts must be submitted in A4 size paper, with 2.5-cm margins. It can have up to 20 pages (including text, figures, tables, and bibliography), in Times New Roman 11 font, with 1.15 space between lines, and justified paragraphs. The sections: Resumen/Abstract, Acknowledgments, Notes, and Bibliography, are single-spaced and font size 10. Sections of the Manuscript: The manuscript must be organized the following way: (1) Presentation (title/title in Spanish, author/s, institutional affiliation, abstract/key words, resumen/palabras clave); (4) Text of the article; (5) Acknowledgments (if required); (6) Notes (if required); (7) Bibliography; (8) List of tables; (9) List of figures. Presentation page: The title of the manuscript must be wholly written in capital letters, bold font, and centered, both in English and Spanish. In the following line, the name of the author/s, separated by commas, centered, with footnotes indicating institutional affiliation, postal and email addresses. Abstract/Resumen: It must have an extension between 150 and 200 words and clearly represent the content of the manuscript, both in English and Spanish. Key words: Between 3 and 5, both in English and Spanish.
SUMMARIES OF BACHELOR´S THESES (available only for National University of Rosario students):
The summaries must be submitted in A4 size paper, with 2.5-cm margins. They can have up to 2500 words (including text, figures, tables, and bibliography), in Times New Roman 11 font, with 1.15 space between lines, and justified paragraphs. The Bibliography is single-spaced and font size 10. Presentation page: Title of the thesis, date of public defense (day, month, year), name of the author, name of the evaluation committee, 3 to 5 key words. Institutional affiliation, postal and email addresses must be indicated in a footnote. Text of the summary: It should include objectives, chronological and geographical scale, theoretical and methodological framework, and results and conclusions of the research carried out; 2 tables and/or figures are allowed.
Editorial Guidelines for the Text:
Titles: There must be a one-space separation between the titles and the preceding and following texts. Primary titles: Centered, in capital letters, bold. Secondary Titles: Left margin, lower case letter, bold. Tertiary Titles: Left margin, lower case letter, italics/cursive.
Use of italics/cursive: They are used only for scientific names (e.g. Zea mays, Ctenomys sp.), words in languages different from that of the original manuscript (e.g. ayllu), Latin expressions of common usage (e.g. et al., ca.,, sensu, locus, etc.), titles of books and articles mentioned in the text.
Use of capital and lower case letters: Initial capital letters are used for names and surnames, mountains, rivers, oceans, countries, archaeological and geographical areas (e.g. Andes, Mesoamerica, Central-South Andean area, Central Andes, Amazonia); for the names of phases, periods, cultures, types, etc (e.g. Santa María phase, Archaic period, Moche culture, Black Polished pottery). Cardinal, topographic, and geographical terms, toponyms and gentile nouns are written in lower case letter (e.g. southwest, north coast, aymara, Grande river, Humahuaca quebrada). Cardinal terms are expressed in capital letters only if they are abbreviated (e.g. NE, S, W).
Abbreviations: Its use should be limited as much as possible. Common abbreviations are written as follows: years before Christ, “b.C”.; years after Christ, “a.C.” or “A.D.”; before present, “B.P.”
Numbers: Cardinal numbers are expressed in words if the amount is smaller than ten (e.g. eight ceramic sherds, five beads). If the amount is larger than nine, numerical characters are used (e.g. 16 ceramic sherds, 15 sites), except when they start a sentence (e.g. “Twelve sites are located in the surrounding valleys…”). Ordinal numbers are written always in words (e.g. first, third).
Dates: Dates are written as follows: “July 8, 1859”; “IIIrd century”; “first millennium”; “in the decade of 1990”; “in the fifties”. Uncalibrated radiocarbon dates are expressed in years before present (B.P.; do not convert to b.C./A.D.) in the following order: (1) absolute date, (2) sigma = 1s, (3) number of laboratory sample, (4) dated material, (5) δ13C value, if available. Example: 3900±100 B.P., Beta–115430, carbón; 9510±70 B.P., Beta–139632, bone colagen, δ13C= –19,3 ‰. Calibrated radiocarbon dates must always be expressed as time ranges in calendar years, using “cal. b.C.” or “cal. a.C.”, indicating if the range was calculated using 1 or 2 sigma. Example: “1953-1975 cal. b.C. (p = 0,95) and 1943-1999 cal. b.C. (p = 0,95) (calibrated to 2 sigma with [name of software used; bibliographical quote])”.
Measurements: They must be expressed in Arabic numbers and in abbreviated metric system (e.g. 50 mm; 20 cm; 5 m; 13 km; 32 ha; 8 m2; 2 kg; 400 g). They only are fully spelled when they are used in a generic manner o when they initiate a sentence (e.g. “a few meters away”, “Eight kilometers to the south”).
Textual quotes: Textual quotes less than three lines long are integrated into the text of the corresponding paragraph, between inverted commas, indicating at its end the author and bibliographical reference between parentheses. Quotes longer than three lines are separated from the preceding and following text, in a block with a space before and after, without inverted commas. At the end of the quotation, indicate between parentheses the author´s last name, year of publication and number of page/s.
In-text citations: For in-text citations, the APA format is used (see American Psychological Association Referencing Style Guide). They include the autor/s´ last name/s, and the year of publication (with a comma between the name and the year). Do not use “Op. Cit.” or “Ibid”.
Citations will be listed following an alphabetical order. One author: (Scott, 2002, p. 55) or Webster (1986). Two authors: (Harris and Divale, 1985) or Pérez and Munizaga (2001). Three or more authors: When there are three to five authors, the first time all the names are indicated. Then, only the first last name is mentioned, followed by the expression “et al.” For instance: (Webster et al. 1984, p. 12) o Webster et al. (1986). When there are six or more authors, the last name of the first one is mentioned, followed by “et al.” from the first quote. For instance: (Hamerroff, et al., 2006) o “Hameroff et al. (2006) poses that parasites...”. However, in the BIbliography section the last name and name initial of every author must be included. Two or more references by the same author o authors with the same publication year: (Jones and Harris, 1972a, 1972b). Several authors or several references by the same author: (Rivera, 1973, 1975, 1987). Two authors with the same last name and year of publication: (L. Pérez, 2006; J. Pérez, 1986) or L. Pérez (2006), J. Pérez (1986). Government agencies, companies or similar institutions as authors: (Ministry of Social Welfare [MSW], 1975). In subsequent citations only the abbreviation is used (MSW, 1975) o MSW (1975). Material from primary sources (unpublished archives material, administrative records, personal letters, etc.): Name of the archive, file, or record; title of the work; nature of the material; name of the collection; number of document identification (sheet, folder, etc); date; geographical location. For instance: (Archivo General de la Nación, Lima [AGN], Jury of Water Management, f. 3v); (Archivo General de Indias, Sevilla [AGI], Papers from Cuba, file 2365, f. 345). Reference with citation of page/s, tables or figures: The last name of the author, year: page, table or figure number (e.g. Pérez, 1972, Figure 1). Book or article in press: (Pérez, in press). Reedited old editions: (Cobo, 1954 [1653]) or Cobo (1954 [1653]). Personal communication: (Pérez, personal communication, July 10, 2007).
Acknowledgements: They are placed at the end of the manuscript´s text, before the Notes and/or Bibliography sections.
Notes: In a separate section after the Acknowledgements and before the Bibliography section. To be used only exceptionally, when clarification is required or to present essential information not included in the main text. They are numerated using Arabic numbers. Do not use the word processor´s “footnote” function.
Editorial Guidelines for the Bibliography:
The Bibliography section is located after the Acknowledgements and/or Notes. The APA format (see American Psychological Association Referencing Style Guide) is used for both in-text citations and Bibliography section. The use of software such as Mendeley (www.mendeley .com), Zotero ( or other similar ones is highly recommended.
Bibliographical references are single-spaced, font size 10. Only references quoted in the text, notes, tables, and figures must be included. They are ordered alphabetically and chronologically, according to the authors´ last names.
Moseley, M. (1992). The Incas and their Ancestors. The Archaeology of Perú. London: Thames and Hudson.
Olding-Smee, F., Laland, J. & Feldman, M. (2003). Niches Construction. The Neglected Process in Evolution. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Edited Book:
Arkush, E.N. & Allen, M.W (Eds.). (2006). The Archaeology of Warfare: Prehistories of Raiding and Conquest. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
Chapter in edited book:
Scott, D.D. (2009). Studying the archaeology of war: a model based on the investigations of frontier military sites in the American Trans-Mississipi west. In T. Majewski & D. Gaimster (Eds.), International Handbook of Historical Archaeology (pp. 299- 317). New York: Springer.
Journal Article:
Raab, A.M. (2010). The Maya…but not Missouri? An archaeological study of the socioeconomic impact of warfare. The SAA Archaeological Record, 10(4), 43-45.
Paper in Proceedings:
Munizaga, J.R. (1984). Poblaciones Atacameñas: aspectos morfológicos. In Actas Simposio Culturas Atacameñas XLIV Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, 71- 79. Antofagasta: Universidad del Norte.
Paper presented in a congress:
Tarragó, M. (1999). Cerámica y cestería arqueológica del valle de Yocavil. Una aproximación a partir de improntas. Paper presented at the XIII Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Argentina, Córdoba.
In Press Manuscript (Book or Article):
Only to be used for manuscripts already accepted for publication. Manuscripts not yet accepted for publication are quoted as unpublished works.
Pérez, J. (in press). Investigaciones arqueológicas en el valle del río Hondo. Arqueología y Sociedad.
Pérez, J. (in press). Investigaciones arqueológicas en el valle del río Hondo. In C. Harris & B. López (Eds.), Arqueología del sur del país. Madrid: Editorial Universitaria.
Unpublished Manuscript:
Pérez, J. (1994). Investigaciones arqueológicas en el valle del río Hondo. Unpublished manuscript.
Bachelor´s or Doctoral Theses:
Knobloch, P.J. (1983). A Study of the Andean Huari Ceramics from the Early Intermediate Period to the Middle Horizon Epoch 1. (Doctoral Thesis). Department of Anthropology, State University of New York, Binghamton.
Electronic Articles:
Barretto, M. (1998). Paradigmas Actuales de la Museología. (acces, June 20, 2020).
Other Materials:
For other kinds of printed (documents, photographies, etc) or electronic (videos, blogs, podcast on line; TV series; movies; etc.) material, the authors should refer to the American Psychological Association Referencing Style Guide or use specific softwares such as Mendeley (, Zotero ( and similar ones.
Editorial Guidelines for Figures and Tables:
Tables: All the tables must be quoted in the text and correlatively numerated (e.g. Table 1). The titles of the tables must be complete, brief, and include no abbreviations. They will be listed at the end of the manuscript in a separate page. Tables must be sent as Excel files, separately from the manuscript text. They must not exceed the manuscript box size: 13,5 cm wide x 17,5 cm high. Use font size 10, single-spaced.
Figures: Up to 8 figures are accepted. Graphics are considered as figures. Figures have to be referred to in the text (e.g. Figure 3). Their dimensions must not exceed the manuscript box size: 13,5 cm wide x 17,5 cm high. Whenever it is necessary, they must include a graphic scale. In the case of maps, the north cardinal direction must be indicated. Figures are to be sent as separate files (TIFF or JPEG format), with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. They can be sent in color for on line publication. They must be clear and have a good contrast. Figure titles must clearly express their content. The figures´ titles must be listed at the end of the manuscript, in a separate page.